"The goal in life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the Universe, to match your nature with Nature."
- Joseph Campbell

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"If there is one thing you would tell a human, what would it be?" Ask a question, get answer(s)

I'm not exactly sure why I posed this question to my animal family back in 2001.  Maybe I was bored. Maybe it came from a comment from a consult, a class I was teaching or the need for a topic for the paper edition of HeartsongHeartmagic newsletter.  Maybe it was just pure curiosity; to see if I asked a philosophical question to my family,would I actually get an answer?  The reason doesn't really matter.
What does matter is it was a simple question. And as I went to each species in my house, the answers given were fascinating and very individual based on each personality and experience.

Once again the question: "If there is one thing you would tell a human, what would it be?"

And their answers:
Parity (society finch): "We are all unique.  Don't treat us all alike."
Lareda (black hooded finch): "Love us for who we are, not who you want us to be."
Merlin (white hooded finch): "Be guided by your wisdom.  You all hive it within you to do what' best for all of us.  It's up to you."
Emmy (peach-faced lovebird): "Don't mass produce us as a consumer good.  We have a soul, a personality.  We are not things.  We are beings."
Sophie (cat): "I don't know.  They're not going to listen anyway.  They'll just do what they want without considering anyone but themselves.
Mac (cat): "Be kind. Take acre of yourselves first before thinking you can take care of others."
Kirby (cat): "Quite belly-aching about everything and do something about it.  It doesn't help to complain.  Think of what you can do individually.  It all adds up.:
Poindexter (hamster): "Know us for the gentle sensitive souls that we are.  We do not make good first time pets for younger children.  We need gentle hands, soft touches."
Thumper (rabbit): "Don't keep us caged all the time.  Life is much more fun when you can get out and see the world around you."
AJ (rabbit): "Rabbits are not a dime a dozen.  We procreate so much because of the prey/predator factor. Treat us as individuals not as a group experimentation.  We are not lab experiments, we are entities just the same you you are.  The sooner you realize this, the sooner harmony can be restored."

There were no answers from the fish.  It wasn't because they didn't have an answer.  I don't think they wanted to speak at the time.  They would later; a very long, open conversation. I "interviewed" them for one of the editions of the newsletter.

Since then, I've learned if I ask a question, I get an answer.  I may not always like the answer (the fish interview had some tough comments about tank life), but I always KNOW the answer is right for the situation and question.  And I ask LOTS of questions.  Not only with the animals, but in everything I do.  I ask if things are to stay or leave my house, where do things go if leaving, what am I to do next, what needs to be cleared so I can fulfill my dreams, how should I go about my day?  If I can ask, there's an answer waiting to be found.  I'm like a detective asking for clues to solve a mystery; my mystery, my life.  The who. what, how and where of my life takes shape when I ask the questions.

It's how I ask the question that creates an answer.  Asking "why" questions lead to more questions and usually a 'because' answer.  Think of the 3 year-old constantly asking his/her mother why questions.  "Why is the sky blue?"  "Why is the grass green?" "Why do I have to do this?"  "Why are you doing that?"  "Why? Why? Why?" 
In frustration, the last answer is normally, "Because...because I said so...because it just is!"  I call why questions round-robin questions; they keep going and going around and around without a clear answer.  Very rarely do why questions pay off.

How, what, or where questions are layered.  They need an explanation, a reason, or a longer answer than why questions. They lend themselves to ask more, deeper questions.  "What reason did you do that?"  How does that work?" "Where do I find...?"  "What do I need to know...?"  These kinds of questions lead to better and more concise answers, better discussion, better communication, better conversations.  It's within the conversation that communication with anything becomes natural.

Sounds silly, but I 'talk' to everything.  And the strange thing is, I get conversation back.  Everything is energy-based.  Communication is part of that energy.

Try it and see for yourself.  If you have trouble asking questions, try yes and no questions.  These are the easiest to feel or sense.  Usually there's a gut feeling with yes or no questions; it either feels right or it doesn't.  If you're still not sure, you can use muscle-testing, a pendulum or a mental gauge to get the answer.  
Remember, though, to keep the questions simple.  It's much easier to answer a simply phrased question, than a complex one.  
So ask, ask, ask away.  You'd be surprised how much the world opens its door when you ask.

By the way, if you could tell animals one thing, what would it be?

As always thanks so much for visiting.  Hope to see you again soon. :-)

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If you'd like to submit a story, please email me earthsongheartmagic@comcast.net.  I'd love to post your stories.
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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembering 9/11: A hamster's perspective

Cubby Checkers
The morning of Septemeber 11, 2001 started normally for all of us.  I was working as an American Sign Language Interpreter at a middle school.  And as usual, I turned the radio on before I left for school as background music for the cats, birds, hamsters, rabbits and fish.  We were notified about the first plane hitting the Twin Towers during homeroom. As I watched in horror, my thoughts went home.  The radio was broadcasting this.  It was on all day, I couldn't get home after 3.

When I got home, I immediately turned off the radio, apologized deeply for having the radio on all day.  The energy in the house was heavy.  I shooed the cats outside and did as much as I could to clean the energy.  It wasn't until Poindexter, my only hamster at the time, started losing his fur did I understand how much this event affected everyone and thing.  Not only was it the day of the attacks, but the weeks that followed that impacted him.  One couldn't get away from the images - it was on TV day and night even though I found other stations to watch.  It was in the air.  
As Poindexter became what I called my Shar-pei hamster (he truly lost all of his fur), I wondered if he could tell me his opinion of what happened, how deeply he had felt it.  We didn't live in New York City, we lived and still live in the Midwest.  Could that event 2 hours away really have affected him so much?
I have found that when you ask something most likely you will get an answer.  I did a writing with him and this is what he had to say (his words are in italics, a clarification is in normal text):                                9/27/01  5:12pm

Hi. My name is Poindexter and I am a hamster.  People don’t think of us as thinking, feeling beings but we are very sensitive to those around us and the vibrations close to the earth.
The day the planes went into the buildings the earth shook.  Not only in that area of the world, but all over.
Why? We all ask why?  How do people do this to each other, knowing that it not only affects them but all around them?  Did anyone think of the mice, birds and other creatures living within those buildings?  Did anyone think that not only people died, but an entire eco-system was damaged?
Doesn’t anyone understand the impact of those things to all who inhibit the world?

I listen to the news while I sleep.  I can’t help it; the TV is close to my cage.  The news names names of people no one knows (the names of those who did the attacks)– yet it is all of the people doing this to each other.  Names will not help dissipate the anger, hurt and betrayal.  Because it is not the names who are doing this.
Look deep into your heart – what are your responses when you are angry, hurt or betrayed?  What do your actions do to those close to you?  Is it helpful or harmful?

Where do you go from here?  What is your next step?  Will you separate yourselves further from all who live with you or will you come together to understand that one action to another affects all; not just humans?
I ask you to stop the demolition.  Not only of your species, but of earth itself.  Learn to live within your boundaries.  Accept that you are not the only ones here on earth.  Stop the polluting and chemical warfare you are already doing with those you deem lesser than yourselves.  For if you can do warfare that way with us and not feel our pain – what makes you think you can’t do it to each other?
Came together, think before you speak or act harshly to each other or us.  We are all here together.  Can’t we figure out a way to live with each other in respect?

That’s all I have to say.  Thank you for listening.

Poindexter died April 12, 2002.  He was vibrant and lively up to his death, and bald. His fur never grew back.    And I'm sorry I don't have a picture of him, but he didn't want his picture taken.  
Love you Poindexter; my one and only Shar-pei Hammie.

If you'd like to post a comment, please do so.  If you'd like to submit a story yourself please email me. And if you'd like to subscribe through email, you'll find the link below the comments section.
As always thanks so much for visiting.  Hope to see you again.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Hi and welcome to EarthsongHeartmagic.  EarthsongHeartmagic is dedicated to cooperative life; working in partnership with all that's present in your life.  It is about finding the divine in ordinary, everyday living.   
I started this journey about 18 years ago. I took an Introduction to Psychic Development class and my world opened up.   It has now blossomed into an ever changing, ever widening space.
In this space, I can communicate with all things seen and unseen. For everything has energy.  Everything has a frequency. The communication takes place by matching my frequency with what or who I wish to communicate with.  Once one understands the connection, the conversations can take place.  And it's within the conversations that cooperation starts.  
I began talking with my animal family.  Through the Psychic class I related what I was learning about people to the animals.  And the animals taught me more and more.  It was not just the animals I could communicate with.  I could communicate with the plants, the trees, the woods; basically all of nature.  And I found myself communicating with the spirit world as well.   Once I opened up to the energy, I opened up to receiving not only conversations, but many other gifts as well.
So when do most of these conversations happen for me?  They happen in the most ordinary ways; cleaning the litter boxes, doing dishes, running errands, cleaning my house, laying in bed before I go to sleep.  They don't happen in a secluded area or place.  They are a part of my daily life, my daily living.

This blog is dedicated to that cooperative living. It is  a work of progress, continually expanding with each post. My hope is that through EarthsongHeartmagic we can learn from each other.  I am not unique in how my life runs.  The more we share our experiences the more we learn; the more we grow. We're all connected to everything, why not explore that connection together?
This blog is not created only for me, but for you too. I invite you to be a part of it.  If you have a story you'd like to share, this is the place for it.  Be it an animal story, a nature story, a spirit story or just that coincidence of life working out for you, I'd love to hear it.  Comment or email me.  With your permission, I'll post it.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope to see you again.